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I believe that acupuncture kept my body in balance throughout the process
“I began acupuncture treatments several years ago at my mother-in-law’s suggestion. She was being treated for chemical sensitivity/allergy issues, and found that she was improving greatly. I was trying to get pregnant and was not ovulating and also had irregular menstrual cycles. The fertility clinic suggested we try invitro fertilization (IVF) and while going through this process, I was getting acupuncture treatments.… Read the rest
I have only experienced lasting relief with Meredith’s acupuncture treatments
“It is important to me to have an acupuncturists that is caring and sensitive to my health concerns. Meredith has made me feel very comfortable and at ease during my treatments. Her office and treatment rooms are welcoming and offered me much needed solitude and serenity.… Read the rest
After less than 6 months of treatments from Meredith, my cycles became more regular
“I had been trying to conceive my second child for almost 2 years-I had been diagnosed w/ PCOS & had very irregular cycles. I decided to try acupuncture to see if that would help & after less than 6 months of treatments from Meredith, my cycles became more regular than they had been in years-soon after I got pregnant naturally-even after going through several low-invasive fertility treatments- my son is now 4 months old!”… Read the rest
You won’t regret it!
Migraines. Stress. Migraines. Fatigue. Migraines. Just about every single day I experienced these issues, often to debilitating extents. And I’d tried everything from counseling to massage to pills, but none of it worked. When I finally got tired of feeling like a pharmacy I took a good look at my needle-phobic self and decided “What the heck?”,… Read the rest