Tag Archives: tcm
Germ Theory: 101
Why do some people always catch a cold, and others don’t?
Viruses, germs, and bacteria are everywhere. They are in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink, but not all of them are bad or harmful.
Think of the immune system as your body’s security detail.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture, Immune System, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Also tagged germs, immune system
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How to Stay Healthy As Winter Changes to Spring
For most people, the change of seasons from winter to spring is something to look forward to. But it also means a time when people tend to get sick or seasonal allergies start to flare up. This can make things miserable for a lot of people.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Also tagged diet, seasons, sleep, spring, winter
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Food Color and Nutrition
In Chinese medical theory, food is considered medicine. Food has qualities and functions biochemically and energetically that target specific organs. Not only that, but the action a particular food takes to benefit that organ in terms of taste, color and temperature is what is included in Five Element theory.… Read the rest
Posted in Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Also tagged color, diet, food, nutrition, traditional chinese medicine
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Moxibustion and Dysmenorrhea
A study conducted by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has determined that the use of moxibustion at specific days during a woman’s menstrual cycle can decrease pain associated with menstruation. Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation is a big problem for many women. This study used moxibustion, an accessory modality of TCM, to treat the pain associated with menstruation.… Read the rest
Posted in Moxibustion, PMS, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Also tagged dysmenorrhea, menstruation, moxibustion, pms, women
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Acupuncture for Boosting Your Circulation
Healthy blood circulation is a vital component of life for human beings. Without proper blood flow, life would cease to exist. Blood isn’t the only thing that’s important, it’s what the blood is carrying that makes circulation so important. Blood carries fresh oxygen, hormones and nutrients that we absorb from our food.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture, Circulation, Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Stay Healthy This Winter with a Balanced Qi
Winter’s element is water and is associated with the kidneys, which in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is considered the source of all qi and energy within the body. Winter is also associated with the bladder and adrenal glands.
Focusing on inner reflection, rest, energy conservation and storage during the winter months is when it’s most important as it helps us to properly nourish our Kidney Qi.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Also tagged acupressure, qi, winter
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Winter Acupuncture: Governing Vessel 14
Governing Vessel 14 is called The Great Hammer. This point is located below C 7 on the spine. C 7, the seventh cervical vertebrae is the one which is the most prominent. Traditionally the vertebrae were referred to as hammers because of their resemblance to the tool.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture
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Five Self Care Tips for Winter
Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that humans should live in harmony with the seasons. According to traditional Chinese medicine there are five seasons: winter, spring, summer, late summer and fall. Each season has many associations that help us change our habits, allowing for a more balanced mind and body.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture
Also tagged acupuncture, chinese medicine, winter
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Acupuncture for Kids
Most kids, as well as a lot of adults, are afraid of needles. So the pairing of acupuncture and kids might not be an obvious one. However, more and more parents are seeking alternative methods of treatment for their children, because our conventional medical system is faltering a bit.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture
Also tagged acupuncture, adhd, asthma, children, kids, pain
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3 Reasons Acupuncture Supports Couples Facing Infertility
When you consider all the changes in our agricultural practices, the increased number of medications we take, as well as our dependence on plastic and technology that is constantly emitting low-grade radiation, it’s no surprise more couples are having trouble conceiving. Current statistics show one in six couples who are trying to conceive are facing fertility issues.… Read the rest
Posted in Acupuncture
Also tagged infertility, ivf, pregnancy
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