Those suffering from hypertension, or high blood pressure, are at risk for a host of other health issues including suffering a stroke or heart attack. And for some people, the prescription drugs used to treat high blood pressure either aren’t effective enough or bring on undesirable side effects. In recent years, studies have shown that acupuncture can be an effective and drug free alternative to combating high blood pressure. continue reading
Studies Show Acupuncture Helps Reduce High Blood Pressure
Posted in Acupuncture, Blood Pressure, Hypertension
Tagged acupuncture, high blood pressure, hypertension, tcm
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5 Acupuncture Points to Help You Sleep
According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), approximately 50-70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder. The ASA reports that insomnia is the most common specific sleep disorder, with short term issues reported by about 30% of adults and chronic insomnia by 10%. Getting enough sleep is critical to overall health and massage therapy is a great drug-free, effective, and safe option to treat a variety of physical issues that could be impacting sleep quality. continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture, Insomnia
Tagged acupuncture, insomnia, sleep, tcm
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The Benefits of Qi Gong
Acupuncture is one of three branches of ancient traditional medicine. The other two are herbal medicine and the practice of a physical and mental discipline called Qi Gong. The main objective of each branch is to bring about a harmonious flow of Chi. continue reading
Posted in Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tagged qi gong, tai chi, tcm
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Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture
We all know that stress is just a part of life. We all have moments of feeling anxious or depressed, but when those feelings become more of a permanent fixture in our lives, it is time to get some help. What many may not know is how effective acupuncture can be in providing relief to the mental and physical symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture, Anxiety, Stress
Tagged acupuncture, anxiety, depression, stress, tcm
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Military Veterans Find Relief with Acupuncture
Military veterans often return from service with a host of physical, mental, and emotional challenges related to their tours of duty. Rarely does a service member present with just one health issue. A 2014 study summarized the challenges associated with treating veterans and their often complex medical issues. continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture, PTSD
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Six Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Women’s Health
Women’s health issues can be complex and unique to each person. However, traditional Western medicine solutions are full of invasive procedures that can alter hormones. Other solutions include prescription drugs that can have strong side effects for those taking them. Unfortunately, many women believe these are the only options.
However, acupuncture can be a tremendous solution in addressing a growing number of women’s health issues. These are the six most common, but there are many more so be sure you talk to your acupuncturist when filling out your health intake so you can get each of your questions answered. continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture, Women's Health
Tagged acupuncture, fertility, menstrual issues, pain, skin care, women's health
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Four Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Men’s Health
Some men might not consider acupuncture as a first resort when wanting a health reset, but acupuncture can be a great way to deal with some of the issues that come with getting older. There are certainly more than four, but here are the top four ways acupuncture can improve men’s health. continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture, Men's Health
Tagged acupuncture, fertility, men's health, pain, stress
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Acupuncture is Great for Treating Chronic Pain
The National Institutes of Health estimates that approximately 25.3 million adults suffer from chronic pain (defined as experiencing pain every day for the preceding three months). They also estimate that nearly 40 million adults experience what is considered severe levels of pain.
Chronic pain can be debilitating for those suffering from it and directly impacts quality of life. People often treat chronic pain with anti-inflammatory medications (both prescription and over-the-counter), physical therapy, or with ice and heat, but those options don’t always provide long lasting relief. According to Harvard Medical School, “acupuncture is an option with a good track record that’s worth considering.” continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture, Headaches/Migraines, Pain
Tagged acupuncture, chronic pain, tcm
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Top 3 Reasons Acupuncture is Great for Seniors
As we get older, those aches and pains become a little more pronounced and life begins to create some new challenges. For many seniors, schedules become impacted with doctor’s appointments and trips to the pharmacy. If you haven’t tried acupuncture, here are three reasons you should give it a try as it can greatly help some of the greatest health challenges facing seniors today. continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture, Digestive Disorders, Pain, Stress
Tagged aging, pain, seniors, stress
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Why and How Acupuncture Works for Infertility
Infertility struggles have become more and more common in recent years. There are many physical and environmental contributors to infertility and couples dealing with this issue are desperate for solutions. As it makes its way into the mainstream health world, acupuncture has become more of a go-to treatment method for both males and females; and there is plenty of valid research to back up these claims. A quick search of PubMed will give you hundreds of studies illustrating the positive effects of acupuncture on various issues related to infertility. continue reading
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